My grand girls (6 and 11) are into tea parties–for real. Fancy dresses, hats, gloves, cloth napkins, the works. So I have been making tea cozies. 🙂 The 11 year old’s favorite tea right now waivers between peach and blueberry, the 6 year old’s in apple cinnamon. I still am stuck on my favorite being Earl Grey, but I have not found many teas I do not like.

And did you know (from the emails I am receiving) that chickens are an in thing? So making more of these chicken placemats-they will be different prints:

Unfortunately, that means cutting–ugh. Cutting is my least favorite thing, followed closely by basting a quilt for quilting.

And then there will be pinning–this is a pile of tea cozies ready for their next step:

And then there will be a bigger pile than this of scraps that need to be cut

I am very glad to have taken a Scrap Therapy class long ago–and expanded it a bit to reflect my sewing mannerisms…probably will need to buy some more scrap buckets–but those scraps are the only scrap I have,…the rest is cut and in bins. Getting behind is NOT a good idea…it becomes quite a project to wrestle if you let it pile up. Yes, speaking from experience here. Grand girls who like to sew are good users of 5″ squares. The 11-year-old will graduate to smaller squares and is working on curves :=)
What’s under your needle?