Find fantastic tips on quilting and sewing and buy some handmade pieces
My blog has information for beginners and advanced individuals to learn how to quilt and sew properly. I discuss many topics regarding quilting and sewing, which can help you elevate your skills. Moreover, I discuss some of our secrets on how to get the best result possible with your handmade quilting and machine quilting. I also sell some fantastic handmade items which have been made with love and care.
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My how time flies…it will be Christmas sooner than we think …
Christmas is in 98 days! as of this writing I feel the pinch because my Janome 550E has been stuck on the dock—it is FINALLY …

I am Denise Bevard, and my passion in life is quilting. My Grammy instilled the love of quilting in me at a very young age. She always had a quilt on the quilt frame. She started to teach me to sew when I was three.
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