It’s hot!!!
Indoor only for this lady…
This means more sewing with the grand. Pillowcase covers, key fob chapstick holders, a purse is next for the 11-year-old and another pillowcase for the now 6-year-old.
While being too hot to iron I have been working on cutting felt for two projects,
The beginning of a tea mat for my daughter and the grandgirls for their tea parties:

Just because it tickled my fancy

And yeah–this clock hasn’t worked …in forever …who wants to track time in the sewing room? Well, actually I do, but I set a timer on my phone 🙂

The pony was a gift from my daughter many years ago…Do you keep trinkets in your sewing space for inspiration?
And the granddaughters requested extra sleeping masks…so…

What’s under your needle?