Our Firefighters and their support crews truly are heroes!

CAL FIRE Lassen-Modoc Unit firefighters working the Dixie Fire on August 10, 2021. (CAL FIRE LMU)<p>{/p}
The fire smoke is awful. I am blessed not to be among those whose homes are threatened or have tragically already been lost. Sometimes the air is so thick it feels like you are chewing it. 🙁
So happy that we have this thing called sewing/quilting to be able to submerse our selves in; even if only for very brief periods of time.
To that end since my last blog I have retired and moved.
I had the website reworked (I broke it badly) -take a look Fiddlesticks and Humility It also now houses my blog (old post are still available @ Fiddlesticks and Humility old blogs. ) I will port them all over herto this new site after I get the store restocked.
I also retired a combo sewing/embroidery machine and after much research-decided stand alones are a much better idea—so I bought a few more machines…the first this wonderful purring beast :

It is a Janome M7! I will share the others that are stuck on a California dock as soon as they make their way to me.
Under my needle is a funky chicken tea cozy…what’s under yours?